VNF- Drool | Recovery Stick CBG:THC:CBD
Topical cannabis products are intended to be absorbed into the bloodstream through your skin. While not intended to have psychoactive effects, topicals can range widely in potency and efficacy and should be applied incrementally. Topicals are primarily used to ease muscle and joint pain, but can also be used for headaches, cramps, and more. Warming the application area slightly beforehand will aid absorption.
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Dominant Terpenes
Considered to be one of the more studied terpenes, Eucalyptol (Cineole) has shown the potential to improve memory and learning through several randomized placebo-controlled studies conducted by the Natural Health Research Institute. The possible increase in cognitive abilities coupled with a variety of potential health benefits make Eucalyptol a terpene worth having in your next strain.
Anti-inflammatoryBrain FunctionPain ReliefRespiratory FunctionGastrointestinalCancer Fighting
Linalool is a multi-use terpene that carries a strong calming effect as well as an ability to act as an anticonvulsant in epileptic patients. Found in the plants rosewood, coriander, & lavender, Linalool is a popular terpene commonly present in over 200 species of plants across the world. Linalool is a good addition to your terpene selection when looking for a little R & R.
Anti-anxietyAnti-inflammatorySedativePain ReliefStress ReliefSleep aidCancer Fighting
A commonly found terpene in cannabis, Alpha-pinene lends it's name to it's easily recognized signature scent, that of pine trees. Alpha-pinene is already being used in plants to limit the growth of undesired bacteria as it is the most commonly found terpene in nature. Many users report a boost of energy or brain function when consuming a cannabis product high in Alpha-pinene.
Anti-inflammatoryBrain FunctionRespiratory FunctionCancer FightingPain ReliefAnti-anxiety
PinePotential Health Benefits
Anti-inflammatoryBrain FunctionRespiratory FunctionCancer FightingPain ReliefAnti-anxietyAromas
SharpSpiceSweetWoodPotential Health Benefits
Anti-inflammatoryGastrointestinalCancer FightingAnti-depressionAnti-anxietyPain ReliefBrain FunctionAnti-diabeticAromas
EarthyMuskClovesPotential Health Benefits
Anti-inflammatoryCancer FightingPain ReliefAromas
WoodyPinePotential Health Benefits
Brain FunctionCancer FightingPain ReliefRespiratory FunctionAromas
CitrusFloralSpicePotential Health Benefits
Pain ReliefAnti-inflammatoryBrain FunctionCancer FightingAnti-depressionStress ReliefAnti-anxietyAromas
SpiceWoodyPotential Health Benefits
Anti-fungalCancer FightingAromas
SpicePotential Health Benefits
Anti-inflammatoryBrain FunctionPain ReliefRespiratory FunctionGastrointestinalCancer FightingAromas
HerbalSpiceWoodyEarthyPotential Health Benefits
Anti-inflammatoryCancer FightingAppetite SuppressantAromas
CitrusLemonHerbalPotential Health Benefits
Cancer FightingAnti-anxietyAnti-depressionStress ReliefBrain FunctionGastrointestinalAnti-inflammatoryAromas
ComfortPotential Health Benefits
Anti-anxietyAnti-inflammatorySedativePain ReliefStress ReliefSleep aidCancer FightingAromas
FloralSweetWoodyPotential Health Benefits
SedativeStress Relief